Wild Goose WG4 Evo, Ska Can-I-Bus, Chart Nitro Doser

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Listing #: 725838
Quantity: 1
Seller: Cole Chapman (Other Listings)
Prod.Year: 2021
Manufacturer: Wild Goose, Ska, Chart
Model #: WG4 Evo, Can-I-Bus Depa, Chart Cryo Doser
Weight: 1000.00 lb. (Estimated)
Last Used: 2023-08-07
Condition: Used
Ownership: BUYER Location
Removal: Forklift Needed
Installation: Still Installed/Loose/Uncrated
Handling: Seller Responsibility
Wild Goose WG4 - $65,000 Ska Can-I-Bus - $19,000 Chart Cryo Doser - $20,000 WG4 and Can-I-Bus Depal can be purchased separate from Chart Cryo (Nitro) Doser


We are selling it to scale up production from this system. It consistently canned at 42 cans per minute with 4 heads, including flow meters, pressure, and temperature sensors. It is current on all maintenance and ready to start canning. The Wild Goose WG4 Evo is on castor wheels and can easily be transported in a box truck, the depal will take 2-3 days to decommission and pack for shipping. The Chart Nitrogen Doser is their newer model that allows individual dose calibration for each can in the cycle for precise head pressure.

We are able to sell the WG4 and Ska Depal separately from the Chart Nitro Doser for $84,000.

WG4 – $65,000

Ska Can-I-Bus – $19,000

Chart CryoDoeser – $20,000

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