Banks and Capital Lenders

We can maximize your financial recovery of collateral brewery assets.

UniteCraft Value Sales Model

Professionalism and respect to the brewery owner is important in protecting our lending and leasing partners’ brands. Our team takes a compassionate approach to all involved to achieve optimal financial results without unnecessary risks. We understand the special requirements of the asset recovery process and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Important documents must be obtained and specific processes must be followed during the repossession and sale of recovered assets.

How it Works

  1. Maintain a working relationship with the brewery owner.
  2. Establish brewery asset recovery goals, timelines and requirements.
  3. Evaluate the assets onsite, provide an equipment appraisal report for approval.
  4. Plan the decommission, crating, handling, and shipping of the brewery assets as approved.
  5. Remove and store equipment (if needed); provide temporary staffing, sell the assets on the UniteCraft marketplace and return funds to the lender for maximum value.

Let's get started.

Service > Equipment Appraisal Contact Form